Monday, August 10, 2009

30 Before I'm 30...Things to attempt for the first time, or do all over again .....


1 - Spot an Actual Funnel Cloud
2 - Make Wine
3 - White Water Raft
4 - Drive a Classic Sports Car
5 - Compete in another Half Marathon
6 - Buy a Bike
7 - Ride a Horse ( Last 3 tries = 6 black eyes)
8 - Dance on a Bar
9 - Put together a Lego Village and make it look like the package
10 - Take Part in a Live Performance
11 - Sing Kareokee
12 - Ghost Hunt
13 - Go to an NFL Game
14 - Rescue Another Animal
15 - Get in touch with Oprah Winfrey - Hey, I interviewed Barbara Bush at Age 12 - surely I've got a shot -- right? Though, something tells me this could be tougher.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lime Pickle Recommendation: Scream More

That's me in the back row of the Pirate Ship ride at the National Cherry Festival in Michigan. Few things make me squeal with such genuine delight.

Lime Pickle Pic of Interest

Yes, this is a child on a leash at the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City, Michigan. Things that make ya go hmmm....??? Good Idea? Bad Idea?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Potter...My Prince

This is my darling dog, Potter. Potter-bear, as he is commonly called, dug this flower bed himself. He worked until he reached the 'cool dirt' of the appropriate temperature. His eyes are closed, poor guy, because he hates the flash.

Happy Half-Birthday to Me

Hello - Today I am 29 1/2.

As a result I am coming up with a plan to make the last six months of my time as a 20 Something as entertaining as possible. That being said: I need some ideas.

First - Six Goals -- These are deep important life goals to be completed one for every six months.

Second - 30 things to do while I am still a 20 Something. These can be anything like: eat eel, drive a corvette, shake hands with a member of an 80's Rock get the idea.

Give me your ideas -- I will update accordingly with pictures and stories.