We begin with a very important news update regarding yours truly ... No, I'm not married, with child, or moving to Madagascar. I'm back in the country....the U.S.A. Currently, I am temporarily enjoying choose your own adventure reporting trips in Mid-Missouri. Check me out at http://www.komu.com/ as I deliver coverage you can count on for the NBC station in Columbia.
Now, I want to discuss something very important: Lime Pickle. Do you know the wonders of Lime Pickle? For those of you that do not, technically, is a form of Indian pickle....which consist of many kinds of pickled fruits and vegetables that are marinated in oil or lemon juice and various Indian spices. These can be mango, lemon, carrot, tomato, pumpkins, lotus, rose, gosseberry, or partridge in a pear tree -- I'm kidding. There are many many different kinds of Indian pickles...I prefer the Lime.
So, what does one do with Lime Pickle? Well, it's a condiment...kinda like ketchup or mustard to the world of curry. It's divine on Indian breads....but my favorite is Patak's....and that particular brand encourages diners to 'use their imagination.'
I discovered this condiment of many colors during my stint as a nanny, journalist, and bar maid in London.
While, it's lovely to eat ( and I enjoy it right from the jar ) it's become more of a metaphor for life. Why? Well, during one trip with my British best friend, Kristin to meet a friend of ours....we found it necessary to stop at the local Spar convience store and buy several jars of Lime Pickle...for no apparent reason.
When the cashier, Raj ( a lovely man who sold me many a Brisith Lotto Ticket ) looked at us wondering why so much Lime Pickle -- in manner of Dirty Dancing's 'I carried a watermelon' line - I said: "Sometime's you just need some Lime Pickle."
Kristin and I agreed, that this was indeed a brilliant ephiphany. See -- Lime Pickle can be so many things that add zest to your life -- I mean, what if I had never discovered Lime Pickle -- this wonderous combination of flavors that never in my life before it was placed before me at Kristin's dinner table had I ever even imaged existed?
Therefore, I define Lime Pickle as: Anything unexpectedly fabulous that one could not have fathomed imaginable unless having actually encountered the element. Thus, realizing their life is indeed enhanced by this discovery, and will never be the same again.
It could be a dress from a new designer, the latest model of your favorite car, an amazing drink crafted by a new bar tender, or the guy or girl you meet on the night you swore you weren't going out.
If you have a Lime Pickle example -- I'd be delighted to hear about it: hbrantley18@hotmail.com
Meanwhile -- I am studying the Lime Pickle Ephiphany. This is the belief that amazing things will happen to you even when all hope seems lost -- it's the belief that something good will happen to make life a little easier...zestier...spicier. And when it happens - the Universe will be so beautifully revealed to you.
It's an experience like finding serendipty in the bermuda triangle of fate... It's a discovery made by complete accident -- by chance -- as you travel down an unplanned path. And, what's more -- you are certain "it" was meant to be a part of your life - you may not even be able to put it into words why you need it, or love it, you just do.
As Kristin would say: "I LOOVE Lime Pickle."
Maybe I am just an eternal optimist. Maybe. But, hey can you define love? Can you define happiness? Some things are just a fantastic and complicated compilation of sweet and sour. If you asked me to describe the taste of Lime Pickle...ya know... that's a whole other post.... and I'm not sure I could.
I'm a writer -- and I never know where I'm going to find inspiration -- In London, I found it in a jar of Indian spices. Sometimes you just need some Lime Pickle.
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